- Feature
- General
- All Standard Version Feature+Adition Below
- * Multi company connection
- * Kemampuan Multi Currency
- * Multi Bahasa (Jerman,Inggris,Ind)
- * Packing barang, dan bill of material
- * Administrasi Serial number
- * Administrasi Batch
- * Diskon per quantity item
- * Klasifikasi Harga
- Project Management
- * Master data proyek
- * Invoice Final Proyek
- * Invoice parsial proyek
- * Invoice Parsial % dari nilai proyek
- * Invoice Parsial dalam jumlah tetap
- * Invoice Parsial termin pembayaran terpisah
- * Invoice Parsial termin pembayaran parsial
- Order Processing
- * Pick list
- * Statement of account
- * Delivery reminder letters
- * Suplier reminder letters
- * Invoice secara periodik
- * Komisi salesman
- * Administrasi order yang masih belum closing
- * Reminder System
- Others
- * Delivery terms
- * Contract administration
- * Automatic contract clearing
- * Auto Purchase order module
- * Barcode print (e.g. on delivery notes, labels etc